Barbados Murder Database

About & Disclaimer

The Barbados Murder Database is a database containing information about murders that have taken place in Barbados. The primary source of information in this database are news reports that are published electronically by members of the local media. Where possible, electronic links to at least one source of the death is provided. However, there are times when links are no longer available due to link rot. As such, there may be no source link for an entry or a link to a Google search query may be used. There will also be records whose fields are empty and there are various reasons for this. One reason is that, depending on the year of the death, only certain fields were tracked (for example time period was not tracked in earlier years). Another reason is that the media report (or reports) used did not provide information that would have gone into that field.

This site is a work in progress and while reasonable efforts are made to ensure accuracy, it is dependent on what is reported in the Media. Additionally, it is a solo effort undertaken by Amit Uttamchandani. As such, errors and omissions are possible and to be expected. No liability or responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of the information contained on this link, or on other sites. Finally, under no circumstances should this site be treated as an official source of murder statistics for Barbados. This website is owned and operated by Amit Uttamchandani. You can reach him via LinkedIn or Facebook.

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